t4Z-1Tcr_E_ABVtkAAPgMZoXSm0 Awesome RPG Games: 2012

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Front View Battle System

Dark Chaos features a basic side view battle system made by Fomar0153. Fomar0153's battle system is very easy to use. The only edits I needed to make was positioning the battlers. I strongly dislike the front view battle system. In my opinion it looks very bad and boring. Personally I prefer the side view battle system. I like to see the playable characters in action.

I think a good battle system can help make or break a game. No one wants to play a game with a broken battle system. Battle systems should be fun. Notice I didn't say easy. An easy battle system can become very boring. A well balanced challenge in the system can make the game more fun to play.

I made a battle video just for you guys! What do you think about the battle system? Do you think it is suited for Dark Chaos or should I try a different battle system?

Thursday, August 2, 2012

New Dark Chaos Demo!

I have a special announcement! I have just released the new Dark Chaos demo. This new demo is longer than the original demo. The first demo was too short and didn't give players enough playtime. This demo will feature more bosses and cut scenes. Most importantly the new introduction and battle system are featured in the demo.

Audrey and Velvet have new sprites and faces! I didn't think Velvet's first sprite fit her description. Audrey looked too childish for her character. Tell me what you think about these changes!

Please play the demo and give a review. Don't hold back! I want to hear about what is good and bad about the game. I am open to making needed changes to make Dark Chaos an enjoyable game!

Click here for the new demo!- Demo

Friday, July 20, 2012

New Dark Chaos Introduction!

I made a new introduction for Dark Chaos! My original introduction was very boring. The screen was completely black with text. That's not going to excite anyone. I decided I needed to spice it up. The new introduction isn't perfect. It is a vast improvement.

The new introduction may not be set in stone. I'm still thinking about making some changes in the future. Please stay tune for any future introductions.

See the new and old videos below!

Old Introduction

New Introduction

Monday, July 2, 2012

Introducing Jayden

Everyone please welcome Jayden to the Dark Chaos cast. I randomly created her character while making the demo. I wanted to make the demo longer and I needed to add some new story. Jayden wasn't in the original Dark Chaos demo that was released two years ago. She wasn't a character at the time. I thought about adding a twist to the story. I think she is a perfect fit!

In my opinion there aren't enough female RPG characters. It is important to have characters with different backgrounds and experience. I want to make the party sex and gender balanced. I don't want one particular sex having more authority in the party than the opposite sex.

Here is a short preview video featuring Jayden!

Please post comments about what you think about Jayden and the cut scene! Do you think she is a good character for the story? Every comment counts. Don't be afraid to say what is on your mind. The game is still in its early development stages. 

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Introducing Dark Chaos!

Dark Chaos is my first commercial project. Today I will present to you a preview trailer!

                1000 years ago a world war known as The Great War took place. The world was a peaceful place. People lived together in peace. They worked with one another for a better world. However over time people began to change. People started to have different views of the world. People did not accept the differences of other people. This led to the Great War. Many lives were lost in battle. A great power was created by the Dragon Wizards. The original purpose of this great power was made to restore the nature that was destroyed during The Great War. The power is strong enough to destroy the galaxy. No man has ever wielded such power. Since that time peace has been achieved. After the war, people who shared common interest formed nations. Many nations work side by side continue the peace on Earth.
               Neon was once a peaceful nation; it is the largest nation on Earth. 100 years ago a man known as Gauchet rebelled against his nation, Neon. A nation that he once defended as a high classed knight became his foe. Gauchet attempted to overthrow the king as he believed he should be worshiped and treated as a God for his great deeds as a soldier. His attempt failed and he was banished. People did not understand why Gauchet changed into a power hungry man. Three years later Gauchet made his return. He led an evil army to rule the land. 
                In the present time Gauchet has prepared his forces to rule over Earth. Gauchet’s four generals have gathered the resources to start a new Great War. Some nations have fallen to Gauchet’s might while others are barely holding a fight. Now the Dark Army has it sights on Romanica.


Monday, June 4, 2012

Would you be interested in a modern crime investigation game?

I've been thinking about developing a crime investigation game with the RPG Maker. I was saying to myself "Hey there aren't too many modern RPG Maker games". The main reason why there aren't many modern games is the RTP has classical graphics. I can make some modern characters using the character generator. It's not much, but it is a start.

I've never attempted to make a game like this. It can payoff in the long run. This will give me more experience with the program. It can help me develop as an amateur game developer.

The hit show Criminal Minds inspired to me to attempt to make this game. It is a fantastic show. The show focuses a lot on character.I believe this type of game would be great for developing characters. This isn't your everyday fantasy RPG game. You're not trying to save the world from an evil force. This game's idea is for the players to focus on solving crimes.

The gameplay will include searching for clues and evidence. The battle system will most likely be time based. I am not sure what time based battle system I will use. Personally I prefer the side screen battle systems that allows players to see the all of the characters on the screen. The default VX ACE battle system lacks this element. The default battle system only shows the enemies and not the playable characters. Personally I don't like RPG Maker games with on-screen battling.

Please post comments on what you think about the idea and vote in the blog's poll! Thanks!

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

What's to come at Franklin Gaming!

I am going to start giving you guys updates about my current project Dark Chaos. Franklin Gaming will also focus on other games. Some games will be video games and a popular trading card game. I am a big fan of Yugioh!. Expect to see some Yugioh! post in the near future.

1. The Story

This is a no brainier. I'm going to post the basic story for the game. Don't worry it will not contain spoilers. It just gives a basic background to the story!

2. Introducing The Characters

I will introduce a new playable character to the players. There will be short video displaying the character in action. Currently there are four playable characters. More characters are being developed. It's not easy making new characters.

3. Game Play and Trailers!

I will post a few videos showing Dark Chaos's game play. I already have a trailer for the demo uploaded on Youtube. Be on the lookout for the trailer!

4. Video Tutorials.

I will post video tutorials for the RPG Maker VX ACE. It's a simple program. Beginners may be confused at first. Don't worry being confused is normal. When I first tried a RPG Maker program I was lost and confused. Hopefully my tutorials will help those in need.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Introducing Dark Chaos!

Dark Chaos is my first every RPG Maker game. It was originally introduced as The Legend of The Dark Star for the RPG Maker XP. Soon afterwards I switched makers. I restarted the project with the RPG Maker VX. This is when I changed the name to Dark Chaos. I changed makers and now I am using the RPG Maker VX ACE.

Throughout the years I have learned so much during the creation process. I am becoming very confident with my skills. Now the RPG Maker program looks easier to use. When I first tried it I had no idea where to begin. My first maps were awful. They had way too much space.

I have big plans for the project. I will post details about those later! Stay tuned for Dark Chaos updates!